Highpman Group

Leading Small Businesses to Smart Solutions

Our Vision

To be a leading business generator by correction, direction, and connection of profitable tools.

Our Mission

To change the trajectory of the way businesses are operating, today. 

About Us:

With total frustration of quality businesses and services; limited equality when it came to starting or operating a business; lack of integrity; limited resources and misinformation; mediocre tax payers funded programs; The HighPMan Group was developed and birthed by a group of successful entrepreneurs desiring a change in the business industry.

Who can benefit from the HighPMan Group Services and Programs:


Those who have a dream, but don’t know how to bring it to fruition.


Businesses that have been operating for years but have not grown.  They are operating in a stuck environment.


Business owners who have been operating for 3 or more years and ready to soar. 

HighPman Group, Lead Generators. 

Where Planning, Placement & Professionalism
Collide to Meet the HIGH MAN

Our mission is to fill the gap

1. Are you in an idea Preparation stage of your lifelong business desire?

2. Are you the invisible MAN in your market?

3. Have you exhausted all free options that worked for you in the Past?


The HighPMan Group Services

E2 Employee to Entrepreneurship Program

  • Understanding the difference between being an employee and an entrepreneur

  • I am an Entrepreneur; Now
    What’s expected of me?

Small Business Consulting & Coaching

  • Business Growth Strategies
  • B2B Business Presentation and Pitch Deck

Lead Generating Services

  • Marketing Strategies


  • Appointment Setting

Professional Business Networking

Business Longevity Goals


Why Should I Request TABA Funding in My Phase I Proposal?

The TABA deliverables The HighPMan Group will provide during Phase I can be used by your firm when applying for Phase II funding:

Commercialization & Business Plan: 

This document will help an agency evaluate your firm’s ability to commercialize the innovation and to provide a level of confidence regarding the firm’s future and financial viability, thus informing Phase II award decisions. With Phase I TABA funding, you can have The HighPMan Group prepare a strong plan to include in your Phase II proposal, greatly strengthening the commercial aspects of your proposal.

TABA Needs

This report will identify the types and costs of additional TABA services you will receive follow-on funding for if selected for a Phase II SBIR/STTR award. Again, The HighPMan Group can help you develop a strategy that will increase your chances of securing TABA funding in Phase II.


Requests for TABA funding must be part of the Phase I and Phase II proposals. TABA funding is not available after the fact.   

Why Should I Specify The HighPMan Group as My Firm’s TABA Vendor?

The HighPMan Group’s Phase I TABA services—which provide you with valuable commercialization insights—will put your company in a better position to successfully secure Phase II funding. We have more than 20 years of experience helping clients achieve their commercialization goals:

We Have a Strong Team: 

  • The HighPMan Group has a highly experienced, well-trained, longtime team of analysts with expertise in a wide range of technical and business areas. So, our insights will be relevant and specific to your business and your technology.

We Provide High-Quality Insights: 

  • Our market research goes beyond the basic data dump, instead providing a forward-looking analysis that helps you build a strategy for success by meeting a valid market need. Our analysts will help you understand the competition, your customers, and where your technology fits in the value chain.

We Understand Small High-Tech Businesses: 

  • We are highly experienced with the Business Canvas, Lean Startup, and other tools for planning and achieving success for a technology-based business.
The HighPMan Group’s TABA services will give you the relevant and actionable information you need to strengthen your applications for future Phase II and Phase III funding. More importantly, they will give you an effective strategy for moving your R&D into commercialization in both federal and non-federal markets.

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